Create space for new activities, hobbies, and experiences

January 29 marks the first new moon of 2025 in the fixed sign of Aquarius. The sun and moon are in conjunction, blending their masculine and feminine energies into one.
This new moon invites you to create space for new activities, hobbies, and experiences—things that may not have had your attention before. It’s also a powerful time to shine a light on areas of your life where you feel unfulfilled. What needs to change?
Let’s explore what this new moon means for your life, relationships, and career based on your zodiac sign.
Aries, this new moon is the perfect time to set new intentions and take action. It's time to do what needs to be done. Realize your potential—you are the creator of your life. Act consciously, acknowledge your motivations, and commit fully to bringing your goals to reality. Let’s go!
Lucky numbers: 1, 37
Tarot card: The Magician
Guidance oracle card: Creativity
Taurus, this new moon reminds you that you don’t have to feel restricted by circumstances. Whether it's a dead-end job, a troubled relationship, financial issues, or something else weighing you down, remember that you have choices. You have the power to change your situation—clarity of thought is key.
Lucky numbers: 8, 46
Tarot card: Eight of Swords
Guidance oracle card: Judgment
Gemini, this new moon invites you to go deeper—look beyond the surface and material things to uncover hidden truths. Lean into stillness and silence, looking inward for guidance. This is a time for rest and introspection. Withdraw your attention from external distractions and allow events to unfold naturally.
Lucky numbers: 2, 51
Tarot card: The High Priestess
Guidance oracle card: Leadership
Cancer, this new moon encourages you to embrace your nurturing side and connect with nature. Show your loved ones you care by giving them your time and attention. Go for a walk or run, letting your body synchronize with the natural rhythms of life. Enjoy abundance, and be grateful for all that you have.
Lucky numbers: 3, 38
Tarot card: The Empress
Guidance oracle card: Purpose
Leo, this new moon calls for you to be enterprising, steady, and reliable. Assume responsibility and prove yourself dependable in your work or business. This is not a time for mood swings—you must maintain a calm, consistent approach. Pursue your goals with unwavering determination until you succeed.
Lucky numbers: 14, 48
Tarot card: King of Pentacles
Guidance oracle card: New Life
Virgo, this new moon invites you to expand your horizons and step beyond your comfort zone. It’s time to plan ahead and take the long view. You may need to step up as a leader or representative, and your guidance will be appreciated by those around you.
Lucky numbers: 3, 45
Tarot card: Three of Wands
Guidance oracle card: Life Force
Libra, this new moon is a time to compromise and work together with your team mates or family members to get the job done. You must coordinate with others and function as a unit to meet your goals. Combine your efforts and prove your ability by carrying out the assignment well and doing what you have to do. Lucky numbers: 3, 49
Tarot card: Three of Pentacles
Guidance oracle card: Compromise
Scorpio, this new moon encourages you to move on from people, places, and situations that no longer serve you. If you’ve been feeling low or recovering from a setback, this is a turning point toward hope. Whether you’re travelling or making life changes, strive for balance.
Lucky numbers: 6, 36
Tarot card: Six of Swords
Guidance oracle card: Balance
Sagittarius, this new moon marks a powerful turning point. Unexpected events may alter your current path, revealing how everything is interconnected. You’ll gain insight into the cycles and patterns of life. Embrace self-awareness and appreciation for yourself and others.
Lucky numbers: 10, 40
Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune
Guidance oracle card: Appreciation
Capricorn, stop pushing so hard. This new moon is a time to lighten your workload and find balance. Overexerting yourself won’t bring results any faster—it will only lead to exhaustion. Cut back on unnecessary tasks and focus on activities that bring you joy and purpose. Find grace.
Lucky numbers: 10, 39
Tarot card: Ten of Wands
Guidance oracle card: Grace
Aquarius, this new moon calls for discipline, self-control, and independence. Stay focused on your goals and do the work on your own. In relationships, practice diplomacy and seek meaningful connections. Choose high-minded pursuits and enjoy life’s finer things. Lucky numbers: 2, 9
Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles
Guidance oracle card: Partnerships and Love
Pisces, this new moon may bring feelings of confusion or disorientation, making it difficult to stay focused. Fear and anxiety may cloud your judgment, but remember—this is the moon’s influence at play. Don’t give in to self-doubt, and be cautious of illusions or deception. Stay true to your purpose.
Lucky numbers: 5, 18
Tarot card: The Moon
Guidance oracle card: Loss
Written by: Shweta Gandhi
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